Working in Chicago...

During dinner, the current President, Mr. Leonard Grossman, handed on the torch to President-elect Rev. Dwight Bailey, Pastor at Austin Boulevard Christian Church.

The very active Secretary, Mrs. Pat Koko, recalled the organization's good work, notably with a food assistance provided to families on a daily basis and on holidays, and prayers for Thanksgiving, when the Most Rev. Bishop Jean Marie was present; and in the name of all, she welcomed in some new members, including Fraternite Notre Dame!

A Yiddish group called Mameloshn had come to render the evening more pleasant; it was hosted at West Suburban Temple Har Zion in River Forest, and each one present there had the pleasure to get together with friends again, or make some new ones.

May God bless such initiatives of goodwill, so that charity towards the less fortunate, tolerance, mutual respect among all and fraternity may prevail
and grow within us and around us.